Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sophi Tags "Captain Curt"

Sophi is up bright and early and ready to board Captain Curt's boat. She can't wait to see what kind of shark she will tag today.

They get all of the necessary paperwork done for the trip.

Sophi takes a spot up by the Captain for some of the ride.

Neil and Sophi get a drum line ready.... Barracuda steak is what they are serving!

It's a Bull Shark for Sophi!!!!

They get the pump in his mouth so that he can breath... Sharks need water flowing through their gills.

A 7 foot female.

Look at the nice smile for the camera.

Sophi gets in there for a look.... She said the skin feels like sandpaper.
Sophi shows off her satellite tag.

They bolt the tag to the sharks dorsal fin - this does not hurt the shark - it would be like getting your ear pierced.

Sophi teased Dr. Neil after he fell in when releasing "Captain Curt", luckily he didn't get hurt.

They do the celebratory Bull shark dance.

Sophi had an amazing day on the water (they caught 4 other sharks as well). Phil Keating with National Fox news came along for the ride - You can see her story on, search GPS tracking sharks.

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