Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Off to the Bahamas

The girls were up at 4am (with smiles) and ready to fly off to the Bahamas. They had on their travel day shirts that Auntie Kelli sent... Are we there yet?

Getting ready to take off from Minneapolis to Miami.

We were greeted by Auntie Kelli and Sawyer at the airport. After a little lunch and some walking around we boarded a prop plane to head over to the Bahamas. It was a quick flight and we could watch the ocean on the way.

Sawyer was playing peek-a-boo during the flight.

We arrived - Sophi proudly shows off her first stamp in her passport!

The girls thought it was pretty cool that someone was waiting to escort them to their car and driver.

After a quick stop at the grocery store - we arrived at Atlantis. Here we are in front of the Cove, our home for the next 9 nights.

We dropped our bags off and set off to do some exploring. We climbed into this HUGE chair that was in the royal towers just outside of the casino.

Next stop was the Marina for some music and dinner. Neil and the girls joined the band for a bit!

We also had to stop and take a picture on the Ben and Jerry's ice cream bench for Grandma.

Then we had dinner - they served us a large bowl of pickles while we were waiting for our food.

Bath and bed time was next on our agenda... Can you find Signe in the gigantic egg tub?

I am sure our dreams will be sweeter on Paradise Island!

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