Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bahamas - Day 2

I was right - it is a lot easier to wake up in the Bahamas!

After some breakfast, we went straight to the pool.

After some swimming - we went to see if Sawyer was up from morning nap yet.

With his snack in hand, we went to seek out some of the marine life.
Sawyer loved to try and follow these birds around (Sophi tried to get as far away from them as possible).
The girls in front of the Royal Towers.

We went to check out some of the lagoons. Sharks were 1st on Sophi's list.

Signe preferred watching the smaller fish instead.

We also saw a gigantic Grouper...

some large Stingrays...

a Sawfish...

lots of Starfish...

and a school of baby Stingrays that all swam in unison.

We can't wait to see what else we find over the next week and a half.

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