Saturday, August 29, 2009

Uncle Jack Turns 50!!

We headed up North to Duluth this weekend to celebrate. Lots of family and friends got together at Uncle Jacks fabulous party on his big day (8/28). The food was good, the band was great and the dancing was fun. Grandma Sandy, Auntie Kelli, Sophi, Signe and I did the Hokey Pokey!

Signe taking a rest after dancing her butt off!
For some reason this picture of Keegan and Signe showed up sideways - I can't seem to fix it, it was so cute, so I left it anyway.

Siblings - Uncle Jack, Mom Sandy, Auntie Joy, Uncle Tom
I am sure that more people than just Signe ended up like this tonight - out cold face down!
We followed it up with some leisure time at Uncle Jack and Auntie Sonn's cabin the following afternoon.

Here Sophi, Signe and I went out for a paddle boat ride. It was a very quick one due to the wind.

The girls had a lot of fun playing in the sand and running around.

Hopefully next time it will be warm enough to swim! Maybe at the MacNally Family Reunion next year - I hear Uncle Jack is planning it!?!

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