Sunday, January 31, 2010

To The Park - Take 2

Next, they decided to hit the ice (sun in the eyes).

Neil dug out his old hockey stick.

Sophi loved chasing the puck around.

She goes for a shot...

They skated the rest of the day away - bedtime is always a breeze when they spend the day outside!

To The Park

Neil and the girls headed to the park to do some sledding and snowboarding. Sophi is at the top scoping it out.

Signe hikes up to join her.

Sophi decides to give it a try (this is the biggist hill she has been on with her board).

Signe watches and waits for her turn - she decided to stick with her sled.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Auntie Kelli!

Before the girls could even get out of their jammies today, we headed to the store to get cupcakes to celebrate Auntie Kelli's Birthday!

They picked these. Not only did they have tons of frosting, but the footballs are rings! They saved one for the birthday girl!

They sure were tasty!!!

Happy Birthday Auntie! We LOVE you a bunch!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kori Turns 32!

Where does the time go? I had a great day today - Neil took care of everything (carpool, cooking, etc.) Well Neil was busy with the girls, I did a little shopping and went to a movie.

We had one of my favorite desserts, Oreo pie, after dinner. I made a wish...

...and the girls helped me blow out the candle!

The girls were so excited for present time - they chipped in and bought me a pink (my favorite color) Snuggie so I'm warm when we watch movies. Neil gave me some new itunes!

The girls had me try it on right away!

Then they each took a turn in it. Signe's bunny has one also, so they posed together!

What a fun day! Thanks Team!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Will She Eat Now?

Sophi lost her top 2 middle teeth today... Check out the toothless grin!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Slumber Party

Sophi had her 1st friend (Gabby) sleep over tonight. They played, went swimming at the Y, ate at McDonalds, played again (Dad even set the tent up inside), and then stayed up late.

They had a blast!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sophi Gets Spacers

Sophi had another trip to the Orthodontist today. They have decided to have her start wearing spacers on the bottom 2 middle teeth for the next 6 months. Sophi was excited that they came in fun bright colors (of course she decided to wear green 1st)!

After about 20 minutes, the novelty wore off --- this could be a long 6 months.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Flying Saucer

The girls got new flying saucer sleds. Signe is going to demonstrate how they work.

First, you pull it up to the top of the hill.

Second, you jump on.

Then, the fun begins!

Just Like Dad!

With a Birthday giftcard from the Gregory's, Sophi bought her first snowboard. She could hardly wait to get out there! Dad is going to teach her the basics in the back yard.

She ponders the small slope that we built...

And she's off...

she bends her knees...

And leans in for the small turn...

She makes it all the way past the garage...

What great balance! She seems to be a natural!

The girls decide that Signe should try too. Sophi gets her set up...
She gets her balance...

And off she goes... She wasn't ready to stand up yet!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pajama Day

The girls decided to have pajama day. They stayed in their jammies all day long! They went back and forth from lounging around watching movies to playing outside... what a fun, relaxing way to spend a winter day.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma!

We surprised Grandma today with a Birthday breakfast of PIE!!!

She made a wish and blew out the candles!

Then we moved on to her gift!

She loved it! It was a bird feeder made out of an old teacup.

All the excitement was too much for Grandpa - so, he took a nap with Markie.

Happy Birthday Grandma! We love you to the moon and back.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dolls, Dolls and More Dolls

Signe wanted a picture of her and a couple of her MANY dolls. She takes care of them every day. Dresses, feeds and changes them - she is such a good little mommy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can You Guess Who's Who?

Signe thought that it would be funny if we all tried Sophi's glasses on

and then tried to guess who was who for a game on our blog!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


My cousins Brett and Julia welcomed their 3rd child in late December and I finally got the chance to meet her at the annual MacNally Ladies Christmas/New Year's tea.
She was all dressed up in a dress and tights and slept through the whole thing.

What a precious little girl!

Sawyer & Auntie Time

I tried to teach Sawyer how to clap today... he just laughed at me!

Then, just when I thought we were making some headway...

He decided he was tired...

So, we found his blankie and snuggled instead.