Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Countdown

We spent the evening at home with some good food, fun and family time as 2009 comes to an end! What a year - the girls make life exciting to say the least! We wish a healthy and happy 2010 to all!

10... 9...

8... 7...

6... 5...

4... 3...

2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR! (We actually only made it to 10:00)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Playdate With Natalie

Sophi had her friend Natalie over to play this afternoon (Signe went to play with Natalie's sister Paige at their house).

They started outside in the Fort...

Then they decided to do some sledding...

It was very icy - - it took the two of them many tries to both get in the sled on top of the hill!

They ended up backwards.. But off they went!

All the way to the alley - there sure was lots of giggling in the air!

After a while in the cold, they came in to warm up and refuel with popcorn and chocolate milk.

They settled in for a movie. When it was done they went back outside for more snowtime!

What a fun afternoon!

More Artwork By Sophi

Snowmen Singing Christmas Carols

Cat and Mouse

Aztec Sun

She is on break from her drawing class right now, but will resume in February (Her birthday gift from Auntie Kelli, Captain Curt and Sawyer).

Monday, December 28, 2009

For Kelli - My New Coat

Coat shopping - Take 2.

I used the tips from the article you sent me and I think that I found a winner!

Better in person than a picture (Neil and Mom both Love it, and so do I).

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Snow Fort

After all of the snow we got over Christmas, Neil and the girls worked really hard transforming out whole backyard into an incredible snow fort - every inch in molded into something.

Each girl has her own "snowroom".

There are a couple of tunnels.

One tunnel even goes behind and under the bushes.

Can you spot Signe and Sophi in these 2 pictures?

There is even a hot tub (on far left), a sliding hill (right) that goes all the way to the back fence...

and a couch!

The girls (and Neil) have been having a blast out there!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas With The Bromenshenkel's

We went to Heidi, Tim, Owen, Griffin and Bennett's for a Bromenshenkel Christmas this afternoon (the only thing missing was Greg and Drew).

Owen, Griffin and Bennett welcome us.

Sophi and Owen are laughing about something!?

All of the kids waiting to open presents.

Owen shows me his great smile.

Signe is ready with her gifts.

Smile Sophi
Griffin and Bennett wait for dessert.

Griffin shows me his biggest smile.

After a few costume changes, running and playing, they all took a break on the steps.

The kids had sooo much fun together! (So did the adults - they just aren't as much fun to take pictures of)!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's

Sophi can't wait to get to Grandma and Grandpa's to show off her new doll. She named her Marie after herself (middle name).

Both girls break into their stockings - they are so lucky that Santa left them stockings at 2 houses!

After all of the loot is out - Signe decides hers would make a good hat.

After a wonderful breakfast - we get to open presents again!

Signe was so excited - she finally got the Carebear she has been wanting for the last 2 years.

Sophi was just as excited with her new mermaid Groovy Girl.

Grandpa gave Grandma a bear with a cool necklace in his guts! - Grandpa said that it didn't seem as romantic when I put it that way!

Yeah, a new snow outfit for Marie!

Sophi and Marie look so cute in their matching hats! What a great morning.